Wilderness Therapy: Nature based counseling and why it works

Wilderness Therapy: Nature based counseling and why it works

I feel really whole in nature. I feel like people can walk away from all the business of life – phones, schedules, academics – when they’re outside, and that’s what wilderness therapy is all about. People get more connected to themselves when they’re connecting with nature – connecting with the business of life is what causes us a lot of problems.

How my “Walk it Out” wilderness therapy hikes started

My “Walk it Out” wilderness therapy hikes all started when I would take patients on a walk when they were really stuck on something. Going for a walk is a well-documented, scientifically proven practice to inspire creativity and de-fog thinking. You read about it in business journals all the time.

Those walks worked wonders for my patients, and I love to hike, so starting a wilderness therapy program just made sense. Voila.

It can be scary for the uninitiated

Going out into nature takes a little getting used to when you don’t do it often. If you’re the type of person that spends most of your time inside or in your car, taking a hike can seem like a scary thing at first — because it’s the unknown. But once you get into it, you start to realize that the distractions out in the woods calm you — the sounds and sights of nature.

Natural perspective

A lot of my job is trying to help people get perspective on their problems, and being in nature helps that. There are so many ways to perceive nature. It’s so different from the way we live our lives – where there are so many rules, and people think there is only one way you’re supposed to be.

Nature doesn’t worry. We learn from that. We walk through nature and don’t judge it – that’s very powerful. We have a tendency to judge people, not nature.

A tree grows, and if something bad happens to it, it still grows. Nature functions in a slower pace, and I think that helps give us perspective. We get caught up in rules and deadlines and expectations – which are all human created. In reality, you have to do things, but if you generally do good, you’re human and not perfect, that’s ok. Not every mistake you make is a huge life changer.

Wilderness therapy gives you permission to settle down

Being out in the woods connects people to the world they are in instead of thinking about what they have to do next. They have the time and space and permission to notice things – something so many people are lacking in their lives. I tell them, “Let’s just sit down and watch this world.” It helps settle people, get them out of their own head.

Want to join me for a hike?

I’d love to take you into the peaceful mountains of Dahlonega and have a chat. Give me a call today to schedule your “Walk it Out” therapy hike at 706-864-7790 or visit me online at www.IntoTheWoodsTherapies.com.

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